Blah blah blah. I'm a sensitive, introspective singer songwriter, singing about my feelings. BLECCCH!
I couldn't stand it anymore, so in the words of that old political dog, General Alexander Haig, I'm in charge, now.
Call it a coup, call me a dog, but I'm a lot more in touch with my feelings than you singer-songwriters.
Feelings are very simple, really. I want to go to the lake. I want to chase the squirrels. I want to chase the chipmunks. I want to smell the rotten log. I don't like the cat. Food is good. I don't like going to the vet. I do like the park. Feelings.
But I have nothing against music, as long as it's good. So, in the spirit of these people who call themselves singer-songwriters, here's one of my own:
I'm a blue yellow lab.
Them blues have got me down
I'm a blue yellow lab
Them blues have got me down
'Cause my low-down "owners"
Won't let me run all over town.
Now that's a song! Who ever said songer-songwriters have to be people, anyway? Probably people, that's who.
So from here on out, this is OUR blog. After all, the people guy called it the "Shelterdog Blog." What did he expect?