How often do we shelterdogs promote a new book? Not that often. Frankly, Cricket and I aren't all that much into books because squirrels are a lot more interesting. Books don't chirp at us and climb trees. But, coming out this month is a book that even we can recommend. Check out "Tails of Devotion,"a photographic essay book looking at the bond between people and their pets. 100% of the gross proceeds will be going to 5 non-profit animal groups in the SF Bay Area (SFSPCA, PAWS, Friends of Animal Care and Control, Pets Unlimited and Rocket Dog Rescue). For more info on the groups, please visit: http://www.tailsofdevotion.com/non_profits.html. One word of caution. We haven't actually READ the book yet, and we're somewhat concerned that SOME of the material COULD include compassion for cats and other worthless creatures. But it looks like dogs and people on the cover, so it's probably OK. Perhaps someone with more knowledge--such as a person--could comment on whether feline things are in this book and, if so, WHY.