This weekend in Eugene, Oregon, the Oregon Sierra Club is sponsoring a remembrance and celebration of the successful campaign to save the French Pete Wilderness nearly 40 years ago. There is a reception Friday, April 2, at the Paulson Reading Room of the Knight Library at the University of Oregon from 4:30 to 6:30. On Saturday, April 3, there will be an all-day event, from 8:30am to 5 PM, at the University of Oregon School of Law, Room 184, with many people telling their personal stories about the campaign to save French Pete.
Singer-Songwriter Jonathan Hoffman who sang at a hearing at the Eugene City Hall in 1971 to support saving French Pete, will perform the song he sang in 1971, as well as the song he later wrote and recorded (too late to do any good), entitled, cleverly enough, "French Pete." In honor of the event, the song will be posted on the Shelterdog Blog to help everyone remember that our wilderness rarely is able to save itself.
To read more about the story of the French Pete Wilderness, click on this link. To see what would have been logged had French Pete not been saved, click on this link.
Shelterdogs Watson and Cricket are boycotting the event because it doesn't involve dogs or their political aspirations.