With Watson's abrupt departure from the political scene, rumors swirled throughout the Pacific Northwest as to his possible successor. Who has the stature, the name recognition, the money, and speaking ability to step in at the eleventh hour to win a crucial 2010 Senate election?
The Shelterdog Blog has found the answer: Grace Linh Hoffman, Watson's former campaign manager, was spotted in Washington, D.C., earlier this month. Our crack paparazzo managed to photograph the four-year-old political strategist, standing next to the base of the Washington Monument. Though Grace measures a scant two blocks in height, her brains, beauty, wit, and her connections with the political machines of every metropolitan city in her state, guarantee that she has a good shot at the prize. In fact, even before she has officially announced her candidacy, tracking polls show her getting an incredible 59% of the deceased vote. With that kind of political savvy, how can she lose?
But, some have asked, what is her platform? What does she plan to do if elected? How would she vote on the critical issues facing the nation? In the current political climate, does anyone care? She's not an incumbent, has never dabbled in witchcraft, and knows what it's like to be unemployed. How can she lose?